
2023-11-10 16:23:58.0 来源:中国文-文贸中国 作者:叶恒祺 责任编辑:陈璐

在今天的“国际青年聚焦”栏目里,我们有幸请到了李客希(Pilipchak Alexey)同学,一位来自俄罗斯的才俊,他正于西安交通大学管理学院攻读博士学位。在这次特别安排的一小时电话采访中,我们不仅深入探讨了李客希的留学经历,而且还分享了他对于跨文化交流的独到见解。李客希同学的热情和坦率让这次对话显得格外亲切,他的故事不仅展现了留学生活的丰富多彩,也透露了追寻梦想和学术研究的真挚热忱。请跟随我们,一同感受李客希同学留学路上的足迹和心路历程,一起探寻他的知识探索和文化体验的精彩纪实。

In today's "International Youth Spotlight" column, we are honored to host Mr. Pilipchak Alexey, a talented young man from the distant lands of Russia, who is currently pursuing his doctorate at the School of Management of Xi'an Jiaotong University. During a specially arranged one-hour phone interview, we delved not only into Alexey's experiences as an international student but also into his unique insights on cross-cultural communication. Alexey's warmth and candor made our conversation exceptionally engaging. His story not only highlights the vibrant life of studying abroad but also reveals his sincere passion for chasing dreams and academic research. Join us to experience the journey and emotional landscape of Alexey's studies, to uncover the fascinating record of his quest for knowledge and cultural experiences.

  1. 华语时代: 请讲述一下你在中国的学习经历

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):2015年我考上了俄罗斯交通大学,成为了管理学专业的本科生;由于表现良好,我在2017年得到了参加中俄高校2+2项目的机会;先在北京交通大学威海校区学了一年的汉语,然后在北交大主校区上了物流管理专业的课程,最后拿到了两所学校的毕业证书与学位;2019年本科毕业之后申请上了北京交通大学(专业为物流管理与工程)以及俄罗斯交通大学(专业为陆上综合运输技术)的硕士研究生,同时学了两国的课程资料,在2021年拿到了俄罗斯交通大学硕士学位,在2022年拿到了北京交通大学硕士学位。后来我就来到西安交通大学读博士,选的专业是管理科学与工程。

    Huayu Time: Please tell us about your study experience in China.

    Pilipchak Alexey: In 2015, I was admitted to the?Russian University of Transport?as an undergraduate student majoring in management. Due to my good performance, I was given the opportunity to participate in the China-Russia University 2+2 program in 2017. I spent one year studying Chinese at the Weihai campus of Beijing Jiaotong University, then took courses in logistics management at the main campus of Beijing Jiaotong University, and eventually received diplomas and degrees from both prestigious schools. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in 2019, I applied for master's programs at Beijing Jiaotong University (majoring in Logistics Management and Engineering) and the Russian University of Transport?(majoring in ground transportation and technological complexes), studied the curricula of both countries, and received my master's degree from the?Russian University of Transport?in 2021 and from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2022. Later, I came to Xi'an Jiaotong University to pursue a Ph.D., choosing the field of Management Science and Engineering.

  2. 华语时代:您选择来中国留学的初衷是什么?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):中国是世界上最大的贸易国家之一,同时也是全球物流和交通体系发展最迅速的国家之一。我希望在这个领域获得更多知识和经验,所以决定来到这里了。

    Huayu Time: What was your original intention for choosing to study in China?

    Alexey Pilipchak: China is one of the world's largest trading nations and also one of the fastest-developing countries in global logistics and transportation systems. I wanted to gain more knowledge and experience in this field, so I decided to come here.

  3. 华语时代:您为什么选择中国作为留学目的地,而不是其他国家?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):我选择中国作为留学目的地的原因之一是因为中国在全球经济和国际贸易中发挥着重要作用。此外,中国的大学提供了丰富的学术资源和国际化的教育环境,这使我能够接触到多元文化和多样性的观点。

    Huayu Time:Why did you choose China as your study destination instead of other countries?

    Alexey Pilipchak: One of the reasons I chose China as my study destination is because of China's important role in the global economy and international trade. In addition, Chinese universities offer a wealth of academic resources and an international education environment, which allows me to access multicultural and diverse perspectives.

  4. 华语时代:您的家人和朋友对您来中国留学的决定有何看法?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):家人和朋友对我来中国留学的决定持支持态度,因为他们知道这是我职业发展和个人成长的好机会。当然,考虑到中国离家太远,他们原来也有一些担心,不过通过我无数次对中国的描述,他们相信这边很安全。

    Huayu Time: What do your family and friends think about your decision to study in China?

    Alexey Pilipchak: My family and friends are supportive of my decision to study in China because they know it's a good opportunity for my career development and personal growth. Of course, they were a bit worried at the beginning because China is far away from home, but after countless descriptions about China from me, they are convinced that it's safe here.

  5. 华语时代:?在您来中国之前,您是否对华语有所学习?来到中国后,语言沟通是否遇到了困难?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):刚来中国的时候,我没有汉语基础,一点中文都不会,所以初期感觉很困难。在北京交通大学我仅用一年的时间,就通过了汉语水平考试5级。后来,通过与中国老师和同学互动,参加中文课程和不断的练习,我逐提高了我的汉语水平,克服了语言障碍。这也使我更容易融入中国的学术和社交环境。学习汉语是一项有价值的努力,因为它不仅有助于日常交流,还有助于更好地理解中国文化和社会。

    Huayu Time: Have you studied Chinese before coming to China? After arriving, did you encounter any language barriers?

    Pilipchak Alexey: When I first came to China, I didn't know any Chinese at all, so it was very difficult initially. I passed the HSK level 5 after only one year of study at Beijing Jiaotong University. Later, through interactions with Chinese teachers and classmates, participating in Chinese courses, and constant practice, I gradually improved my Chinese proficiency and overcame language barriers. This also made it easier for me to integrate into the academic and social environment in China. Learning Chinese is a valuable experience?because it helps not only with daily communication but also with a better understanding of Chinese culture and society.

  6. 华语时代:您会推荐其他俄罗斯学生来中国留学吗?为什么?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):我会推荐其他俄罗斯学生来中国留学,但这取决于他们的兴趣和目标。中国作为留学目的地具有很多优势,包括国际化教育环境,学术资源,语言能力提升机会等。不过我认为最重要的是中国是全球最强大经济体之一,留学生有机会参与并学习这个庞大市场的发展。这对于商科、经济学、工程等领域的学生尤为有吸引力。

    Huayu Time: Would you recommend other Russian students to study in China? Why?

    Pilipchak Alexey: I would recommend other Russian students to study in China, but it depends on their own. China,?as a study destination has many advantages, including its?international education environment, academic resources, opportunities for language improvement, etc. In addition, I think the most important is that China is one of the world's strongest economies, and students have the opportunity to participate in and learn from this vast market's development. This is particularly attractive for students in business, economics, engineering, and other fields.

  7. 华语时代:在学术和研究方面,您觉得在中国有哪些机会或优势?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):在中国,学术和研究方面的机会和优势包括先进的研究设施和资源,国际合作机会与知名学者合作,各种实践机会,为满足不同学术兴趣的多样性的课程等。

    Huayu Time: In terms of academics and research, what opportunities or advantages do you see in China?

    Pilipchak Alexey: In China, the opportunities and advantages in academics and research include advanced research facilities and resources, international cooperation opportunities to work with renowned scholars, various practical opportunities, and a diverse range of courses to meet different academic interests.

  8. 华语时代:?为什么选择西安交通大学作为您的留学目的地?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):这个选择有很多原因,估计够单独做一个采访。简单地说的话,有三点:第一是西交大在管科领域特别出名,理论学习与实践资源很丰富;第二是我非常荣幸地得到了周晓阳教授在我博士研究生阶段的指导,有她的专业性加持,我相信自己无论是在专业知识储备还是专业学术研究方面,都有机会提升自己;第三是西安作为丝绸之路的起点以及中欧班列重要的集结中心,对我研究的领域来说是最合适的学习目的地,没有之一。

    Huayu Time: Why did you choose Xi'an Jiaotong University as your study destination?

    Pilipchak Alexey: There are many reasons for this choice, enough to warrant a separate interview. To put it simply, there are three points: first, Xi'an Jiaotong University is particularly well-known in the field of management science, with rich theoretical learning and practical resources; second, I am very honored to be guided by Professor Zhou Xiaoyang during my doctoral studies. With her professionalism, I believe I have the opportunity to improve both my professional knowledge and academic research; third, Xi'an, as the starting point of the Silk Road and an important hub for the China-Europe Railway Express, is the most suitable study destination for my research field, without a doubt.

  9. 华语时代:为什么选择研究国际集装箱运输和中欧班列这个领域?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):我选择研究国际集装箱运输和中欧班列这个领域是因为这是一个具有战略重要性的领域,涉及到中俄之间以及与欧洲国家之间的贸易与物流。中欧班列作为陆路运输的一部分,正在成为中俄贸易的重要组成部分,且涵盖了物流、运输、国际贸易和地缘政治等多个方面,具有广阔的研究空间。

    Huayu Time: Why choose to research international container transportation and the China-Europe Railway Express?

    Pilipchak Alexey: I chose to research international container transportation and the China-Europe Railway Express because it is a field of strategic importance, involving trade and logistics between China, Russia, and European countries. As part of land transportation, the China-Europe Railway Express is becoming an important component of China-Russia trade and covers logistics, transportation, international trade, and geopolitics, offering a broad research space.

  10. 华语时代:您觉得中俄之间在集装箱铁路运输有哪些可以进一步合作或优化的地方?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):虽然近几年中俄在集装箱铁路运输方面已有较大的发展,但还是存在许多需要进一步优化的空间,包括:运输网络和线路优化,边境口岸换装能力以及海关效率提升,数字化和物联网技术的应用推动,政策协调加强等。

    Huayu Time: Where do you think China and Russia could further cooperate or optimize in container rail transport?

    Pilipchak Alexey:Although there has been significant development in China-Russian container rail transportation in recent years, there is still much room for further optimization, including: optimization of transportation networks and routes, enhancement of transshipment capacity at border ports, improvement of customs efficiency, advancement in the application of digitalization and Internet of Things technology, and strengthening of policy coordination.

  11. 华语时代:您认为在未来10年中,中俄在贸易与物流领域的合作会如何发展?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):首先,随着中俄之间的贸易继续增长,物流合作将持续扩大,涉及更多的产品和领域。其次,我认为中俄会共同投资和发展更多的物流和运输基础设施,以支持贸易的增长。另外,许多相关的企业会采用新技术,如物联网、人工智能和自动化,将提高物流效率。

    Huayu Time: What do you think China-Russian cooperation in trade and logistics will develop over the next 10 years?

    Pilipchak Alexey: Firstly, as trade between China and Russia continues to grow, logistics cooperation will continue to expand, involving more products and fields. Secondly, I think China and Russia will jointly invest in and develop more logistics and transportation infrastructure to support the growth of trade. In addition, many related enterprises will adopt new technologies, such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and automation, which will improve logistics efficiency.

  12. 华语时代:从您的角度,文化交流对于中俄两国关系的重要性如何?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):从我的角度来看,文化交流对于中俄两国关系非常重要。文化交流有助于增进相互了解和尊重,消除误解,促进友好关系。中俄两国拥有丰富而独特的文化遗产,通过文化交流,人们可以更好地欣赏和分享彼此的文化、艺术、音乐和传统。这有助于加深两国人民之间的纽带,增进互信,对于双边关系的稳定和发展具有积极作用。

    Huayu Time: From your perspective, how important is cultural exchange to China-Russian relations?

    Pilipchak Alexey: From my perspective, cultural exchange is very important for?China-Russian relations. Cultural exchange helps to enhance mutual understanding and respect, dispel misunderstandings, and promote friendly relations. Both China and Russia have rich and unique cultural heritages, and through cultural exchanges, people can better appreciate and share each other's culture, art, music, and traditions. This helps to deepen the bonds between the people of the two countries, enhance mutual trust, and has a positive role in the stability and development of bilateral relations.

  13. 华语时代:您如何评价两国在教育领域的交流,例如学生交换项目?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):两国在教育领域的交流,尤其是学生交换项目,是非常有益的。这种交流有助于学生互相了解不同的教育系统、文化和社会,拓宽他们的视野,培养国际化的思维和背景。通过学生交换,年轻一代可以更好地理解彼此的国家和文化,这对于未来的中俄合作和友好关系有积极的影响。

    Huayu Time: How do you evaluate the educational exchange between the two countries, such as student exchange programs?

    Pilipchak Alexey: The educational exchange between the two countries, especially student exchange programs, is very beneficial. Such exchanges help students understand different educational systems, cultures, and societies, broaden their horizons, and cultivate an international mindset and background. Through student exchanges, the younger generation can better understand each other's country and culture, which has a positive impact on future?China-Russian cooperation and friendly relations.

  14. 华语时代:您认为两国文化的核心价值观有哪些相似之处?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):两国文化的核心价值观有一些相似之处。例如,尊重家庭和长辈在中俄文化中都具有重要地位。另外,对于传统和历史的尊重也是相似之处,两国都有悠久的历史和传统文化。此外,友好、互助和团结的精神在中俄文化中也有所体现。尽管存在差异,但这些相似之处有助于加强两国人民之间的情感联系。

    Huayu Time: What do you think are the similarities in the core values of the two countries' cultures?

    Pilipchak Alexey:?There are some similarities in the core values of the two countries' cultures. For example, respect for family and elders holds significant importance in both Chinese and Russian cultures. Additionally, respect for tradition and history is also a similarity, as both countries have long histories and traditional cultures. Moreover, the spirit of friendliness, mutual aid, and unity is also reflected in the cultures of both countries. Despite differences, these similarities help to strengthen the emotional connection between the peoples of the two countries.

  15. 华语时代:对于那些对中俄文化交流感兴趣的人,您有什么建议或资源推荐?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):我认为你如果想真正地了解另一个文化,你就需要亲身体验它的各个方面。当然,最有效的是短期去俄罗斯旅游或者学习,但如果没有这样的机会,建议大家多看书,听音乐,看电影,参加一些交流活动等。

    Huayu Time: For whose interested in?China-Russian cultural exchanges, do you have any suggestions or resources to recommend?

    Pilipchak Alexey: I think if you want to truly understand another culture, you need to personally experience its various aspects. Of course, the most effective way is to travel or study in Russia for a short period, but if that is not possible, I suggest reading books, listening to music, watching movies, participating in exchange events, and so on.

  16. 华语时代:?如果您有机会再次选择留学地点,您会再次选择中国吗?为什么?

    李客希(Pilipchak Alexey):有一句话叫:“想成为最优秀的人,就要向最优秀的人学习”。我认为中国有很多值得学习的点,所以如果有机会重选,我还是会选择中国,选择发展。

    Huayu Time: If you had the opportunity to choose a study destination again, would you choose China again? Why?

    Pilipchak Alexey: There's a saying, "To be the best, learn from the best." I think there are many aspects of China worth learning from, so if I had the chance to choose again, I would still choose China for its development opportunities.